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The fiber bug bit Lisa at the age of 9 years old when she learned how to knit in 4H. Since then she has explored knitting, crocheting, spinning wool, and other crafty things. She love the challenge of learning new-to-her techniques and sharing that knowledge with others.

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Stephanie Carrico, aka knitsabout, finds it hard to contain her knitting passion and as a result has been knitting all around the globe, and in all forms of transportation. The majority of her knitting now takes place on a boat in Florida or at her cottage in Northern Michigan, although if you find her sitting anywhere else for long, you’re likely to find knitting in her hands.
She has had patterns published in Knitters Magazine, has self-published her designs on Ravelry, and has taught knitting workshops at the Northern Michigan Lamb and Wool Festival. A retired middle school science teacher, she enjoys sharing her passion for knitting with others.

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Wilder Creek Workshop
Nancy owns and operates Wilder Creek Workshop. She creates hand crafted decorative and functional brooms from natural products. Beauty and craftsmanship go hand in hand. She also makes wood and crocheted items. She was a vendor at the 2022 Kerstmarkt in Holland, MI. This is her 3rd year instructing a festival class.

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The Basket Sampler
Kathy started weaving baskets over 30 years ago. She has owned The Basket Sampler in Highland, MI since 2007. There are many styles of baskets that interest her, from simple pencil baskets to more complicated twill patterns. She often incorporates yarns and fibers into her baskets. She teaches all age groups from preschool to senior citizens. You can see some of her work at her website

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Toasty Toes
KAREN has been crocheting and knitting since she was 12 years old. For 15 years she was a craft leader for her Church’s Vacation Bible School Day Camp with as many as 160 children. Spinning and weaving have been part of her life for about 25 years. She learned Naal binding to participate in Viking age reenactments. She has been part of the Weaver’s Guild of Kalamazoo for 22 years as well as a past president of the guild and the current Education Chair. Nothing makes Karen more happy than teaching and showing others the skills she enjoys! KAL was a craft leader for his Church’s Vacation Bible School Day camp for 5 years. He’s been a weaver for 7 years and creates and makes potholders and weaves rugs. He also enjoys lucet cording and needle felting. A member of the Weavers Guild of Kalamazoo for 7 years, he is the chair of the Service Bureau and enjoys demonstrating historical fiber crafts and learning about the different things you can do with fiber. Add beginning spinner with a working knowledge of the supported spindle to his interests. KAREN and KAL are both demonstrators for historical sites around Michigan and for the Weavers Guild Service Bureau.

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In My Back Yard
Tina is a fifth generation Detroiter who landed on a small farm in Howell, graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in interior design. She is known for her unique needle felted sculptures such as a hat covered with a coral reef, and fantasy birds from 7 inches to 7 feet tall. Tina had a booth at our festival in 2022 filled with felting wool & supplies along with other felted sculptures. She appreciates this opportunity to nurture others in the art of needle felting chickens and peas & carrots!

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2025 is Julie’s third year teaching fiber arts in northern Michigan.
She has teaching contracts with Interweave (Interweave Milwaukee, May), Prairie City Fiber Festival (Prairie City, OR, July) and Wisconsin Sheep & Wool (Jefferson, WI, Sept).

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I'm a retired forester living in northern Michigan, deeply inspired by nature in my creative work. As an avid quilter, fiber artist, and polymer clayer, I love blending textures, colors, and materials. My journey with polymer clay began by crafting buttons for my mother, a master knitter, and soon blossomed into a small Etsy business specializing in handmade polymer clay buttons and sewing-related items. Teaching is a passion of mine, and I currently share my skills at fiber festivals and art galleries throughout Northern Michigan.

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Pegg Thomas has been a knitter since age 9 and a spinner since age 16. Let’s just say… that was a few years ago. She raised French Angora rabbits for more than a decade and switched to Registered Border Leicester Sheep for 28 years. During Covid, she took up the hobby of refurbishing antique spinning wheels. Pegg is also an author and combines her interests by giving away a handspun, handknit shawl with the release of each of her historical fiction and historical romance novels. You can learn more about her on her webpage at:

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Hello, My name is Linda. I live west of Lansing on a farm with my husband and two dogs. I have been making art in one form or another since before I can remember. Wool has grabbed my attention like no other medium has. I have been working with wool for just over 15 years. I began teaching needle felting about 12 years ago and then moved into wet felting. I currently teach both methods in Charlotte, Olivet, and Nashville Mi. I'm really excited to return to the Northern Michigan Fiber Festival this fall.